Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 23

Today I am thankful for:

- Being able to sign into my blog at school!!! No, I am not going to do my blog while the students are in here. I do it during my lunch break! For some reason I do not have the option to add bullets though. Dashes will have to do.

- Loosing 3 pounds since Sunday!!! I guess eating healthy since then has made a difference. Only 12 more to go!

- A lunch break at work. It may only be 25 minutes, but it is 25 minutes that I get to sit and relax.

- Feeling a little better today after getting in a dose of the Zpack.

- New shoes to wear to work today.

- Getting to go to Wireless tonight.

- A healthy baby!


  1. did I mention my name is exactly the same? first and last?

    healthy baby... yeah!

  2. I have only known ONE other Jessica Hall. I took a class with her in college. She had to go by Jessica N. Hall, and I went by Jessica M. Hall. Our poor professor was SO confused. I'm glad to know another Jessica Hall. It's a great name! Thanks for commenting. I love getting comments, but never get them. I tried to comment on your blog and couldn't for some reason. I'm just stepping out in the blogging world though so it was probably something that I did wrong.
