Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 46

Please do not have a heart attack, but you are reading this correctly. I actually am going to write my blog TWO days in a row!!

Today I am thankful for:
  • Rich making me a delicious dinner!
  • Being able to sleep in today. I was so sick when I woke up that I decided just to go back to bed and leave the laundry until tomorrow! It felt wonderful.
  • Having a day to do absolutely nothing but rest (and throw up a few times).
  • Throwing up... yea, you read that correctly. I have been viciously ill with this pregnancy, but I'm so thankful to be pregnant that I don't mind it. We have prayed for this baby for a long time and have already had a stressful pregnancy with doctor reports. I'm just so thankful to be a mommy right now!
  • White bread!! I haven't eaten white bread in about 10 years. It has been the only thing that I have been able to hold down though. I'm trying to eat as much as I can because I have LOST 4 pounds so far from being so sick. Nothing really sounds too good (except for my mom or Rich's cooking). I can't handle the cooking. By the time I get it finished, I'm sick from the smell.
  • Rich watching American Idol with me and us just sitting on the living room floor and eating our dinner on the coffee table. We are trying to make the most of the last months of it being just us:)
  • A healthy baby and delivery!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 45

At least I'm still doing it once a week, right? haha... I don't know what has gotten into me. I haven't been getting on the computer as much as I used to:(

Today I am thankful for:
  • Going to our ultrasound appointment and our baby having a strong, healthy heartbeat (158). We were very nervous going in because I had starting clotting/spotting. I was so upset because I was in a lot of pain last night. Turns out that I have placenta previa. Please pray that the placenta "migrates" with the uterous as the uterous grows. We are so thankful that our baby is still healthy and strong!
  • My mom making us meatloaf, mashed potatoes, beans, and hot water cornbread for dinner at their house. It was SO good!
  • Spring Break! It was wonderful to get to sleep in this morning and just lay around.
  • Rich taking the day off today so that we could spend some time together. I was so thankful to have him to lean on this morning when I was a wreck.
  • My car starting. I got a new car, and the day after I got it the starter froze up on it. It finally started today!
  • Rich cleaning the kitchen for me so that I could put my feet up.
  • A healthy baby and safe delivery.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 44

So obviously I am getting worse at remembering to do my blog. I don't think the pregnancy brain is helping. I'm just going to do it when I can and when I can't, I'm not going to worry about it. I will get a full year in, but it may take me two years to do it:(

Today I am thankful for:
  • Getting to hear our baby's heartbeat yesterday, and our gestational sac being fine!!!
  • Getting a new car tomorrow!!!
  • Being surrounded by prayer warriors and people that are so excited about this baby.
  • A husband that goes to every doctors appointment with me and that won't miss an ultrasound. He is already a wonderful father!
  • Coach Calipari getting hired as UK's new basketball coach (that one is for you baby)!
  • Being almost half way through with the first trimester (the most nerve racking trimester of all).
  • A healthy baby!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 43

Obviously I haven't kept up with my blog in the last few days:( I needed a break from the technology world so I haven't gotten on facebook or blogged since Monday. I just needed to take some time to pray in my spare time. Ok enough excuses huh?

Today I am thankful for:
  • My dad driving me to Smithville so that I could spend the night with my grandmother and get my hair done the next day by my aunt. It has been a rough week, and I just needed to get away for a night! Thank you Lord for a peaceful place to get away to.
  • Still being pregnant. I am going to post what all is going on for the simple fact that WE NEED YOU PRAYING! We went on Tuesday for a four and a half week ultrasound and evidently our gestational sac is forming like they would like for it to be. Please pray for us! We go back Tuesday and I would like nothing more than for them to tell us that everything looks "perfect" and that our baby is doing wonderful! I pray that we get to hear our little baby's heart beating away in there!
  • Sundance last night. It is a restaurant in Smithville, and it was SO good!
  • My husband taking me to Opry Mills to look around and to take me to a movie.
  • Getting a kitchen table for $100. Our neighbors just got a new one and were selling their old one!
  • Bentley turning ONE!
  • A healthy baby!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 42

Today I am thankful for:
  • Our doctor's nurse calling us at 8:08 this morning to let me know that our blood results are completely normal. I am going in for a four week ultrasound tomorrow at 12:30 so please pray for us! I am very anxious about the ultrasound! Thank you Lord for our strong Beta levels!
  • My husband taking care of me tonight! My headaches have been TERRIBLE since Saturday morning. I don't know if it is from me cutting out the caffeine or the rising HCG levels, but it's bad. Rich was a trooper though. He made me soup while the KY game was on which is a BIG deal!!!
  • Rich cleaning up the kitchen for me without me even having to ask. He has no idea how much this helps even though I tell him, but it allowed me time to just take a nap and try to sleep off the headache.
  • Rich bringing me lunch at school today because I forgot mine (can you tell how thankful I am for my husband?).
  • Being able to tell my students that I am pregnant! They all wanted to name the baby and was wondering where the baby was. I told them that the baby was in my belly and that they would get to see the baby grow bigger and bigger. They were SO excited! Everywhere we went for the rest of the day they would stop people and say, "OUR TEACHERS HAVING A BABY!"
  • Getting to take a two hour nap after work!
  • A healthy baby!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 41

Today I am thankful for:
  • FINDING OUT THAT WE ARE PREGNANT!!! That's right, I am 4 and a half weeks right now! God has done a complete miracle in us, and we are giving Him all of the Glory for this! I will still thank God every day for a healthy baby at the end of my blog, but now I am actually pregnant! I did that before because I knew that having COMPLETE Faith was thanking God in advance for the things that you KNOW He is going to do. I knew He would bless us with a baby so I thanked Him for it every day for 40 days! Faith is knowing that God will take care of something even when it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen. Thank you Lord for the Miracle inside of my belly!
  • Getting 7 FREE pair of maternity pants from one of our neighbors. I needed dress clothes for work (no I'm not out of my clothes yet, but I just didnt' want to have to spend a fortune on maternity clothes). She gave me TONS of pants, and my friend Megan is bringing me a whole tub of dresses and shirts!!! Thank you Lord for this blessing!
  • A good report tomorrow! We get our blood test results back tomorrow so PLEASE pray for us. We are obviously very nervous with this pregnancy.
  • Getting to go over to mom and dad's this afternoon for lunch! It was SO good!
  • Poppyseed Chicken Casserole. It is such a great comfort food, and I was craving it!
  • Getting to take a long walk with Rich and Bentley around the neighborhood.
  • Getting to see the two little boys (5 and 7) that live behind us lead worship today in church. They were awesome!! It was such a blessing to see them and to see Clay and Trish worshiping. I'm so thankful that they are at our church now.
  • A healthy baby!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 40

Today I am thankful for:
  • Doing this blog for 40 days!!! Wow, I can't believe I have actually kept this up. I can honestly say that I truly have began "looking" for the good things that happen in my day so that I will remember to put them on here.
  • The dog park at Moss Wright. I enjoyed taking Bentley to the park with Rich.
  • A lazy day. I did get some laundry done today, our kitchen cleaned, and our bedroom picked up. Other than taking a long walk in the park, we have just been piled up in the bed. It has been a great day!
  • Our grill. I can't wait to have our filets, shrimp, and grilled lettuce tonight!
  • Crunchy Raison Bran Cereal with a fresh cut up banana. I even ate it in the bed this morning!
  • Staying up late last night by myself and getting to watch a bunch of my shows!
  • A healthy baby!